How to use microsoft office lens ocr
How to use microsoft office lens ocr

how to use microsoft office lens ocr how to use microsoft office lens ocr

It operates via the user’s gadget’s camera.

  • Office Lens is a free app available for download on Google Play, App Store, and of course Microsoft Store.
  • The set-up is as simple as downloading the app from your app store and installing it.  How Do You Set Up Microsoft Office Lens? Google Play describes Microsoft Office Lens as a mobile scanner that enables users “to convert images to PDF, Word and PowerPoint files, and save on OneNote, OneDrive, or your local device.” Well, it turns out there is an app for all these functions called Office Lens. Have you ever been to a conference where you want to capture the information from the PowerPoint the speaker is talking about? Remember having an urge to take a picture of that whiteboard with an exceptionally impressive roadmap that you thought could be useful in the future? What about a situation where you want to take a snapshot of a business card, or a napkin deal - in a good way. Getting Started With Microsoft Office Lens This is why you need Microsoft Office Lens. Assuming you were fully attentive throughout, it’s still close to impossible to catch everything. You must have at one point felt that so much was covered in a conference that you attended, but you only managed to grab a small portion of it.

    how to use microsoft office lens ocr

    If meetings are not quick and snappy - and provide instant gratification - you are most likely going to lose focus midway and miss on some critical points. That’s how short the human attention span is, averaged at about eight seconds. Even now that you have decided it’s worth your time, you are probably thinking of moving onto the next one.


    Microsoft Lens: Scan Your Physical DocumentsĬhances are that you first skimmed through this article before finally settling on a full read.

    How to use microsoft office lens ocr